What happens to unsold items at the end of the consignment?
Posted by KIM EDGAR

Taking back items that didn't sell is a personal decision.
Are they worth keeping, need to go to your favorite charity, or to a person you know? Or, have your decided to move them onto someone else before you consigned them, and are happy with that decision?
We believe this is your choice! There are no restrictions on which items you may retrieve, you decide - all items, specific items or none. We donate to several local charities that put clothing in the hands of people who are in need, and are happy to support them by sending many items their way.
You just need to let us know ... you have a 2 week window surrounding your Pick Up date to contact us and let us know your decision. Please let us know at least 24 hours in advance if you plan to retrieve items. We cannot drop all of our other activities to gather them, so you will need to collect them yourself if you need them the same day.
Any item left in the shop 7 days after your pick up date becomes the property of the shop and it's disposition becomes our decision.