Purging is Cleansing ...
Posted by KIM EDGAR

Purging: physically remove or expel (something) completely. (among other definitions)
Purging, whether it’s letting go of physical items or emotional baggage, can be deeply cleansing for the soul. Decluttering your space creates a sense of mental clarity and peace, allowing you to release attachments to things that no longer serve you.
When looking at your closets and drawers, try these guidelines to decide if you're done with an item and how best to allow someone else to enjoy it.
- If you haven't worn it in 3 years or more,
- If it isn't your current size, and especially a size you won't ever return to ...
- If you're holding on to it for emotional reasons ...
- If it doesn't work with any other items in your possession ...
And: it's in excellent condition, like you'd give it to your best friend ...
Clothing, Footwear, Jewelry, Handbags ...
Try Consigning it, you can donate later if it doesn't sell.
Remember, textiles should not be placed in the trash, as they end up in landfills or worse ... Massachusetts towns each have a process for collecting used textiles (no matter the condition or type), and recycling those that are beyond use. Please help our environment by following the process in your town.